Recruitment and selection is a join task undertaken by the employing department and by the human resources department. Each has responsibilities to ensure that the company recruits the right person for the job. Recruitment mistakes are costly and can be reduced if systematic recruitment and interviewing processes are adopted.
Vacancy: When a vacancy occurs the employing department should assess the need to replace and review job content if appropriate.
Raise Personnel Requisition: The employing department should state their requirements and gain the necessary authorisations.
Review / Create Job Description: The job description should include the job title, duties and principle accountabilities required. If it is a new job, the job description is reviewed and graded by the human resources department.
Review / Create Person Specification: Gives some idea of what characteristics and abilities you are looking for from recruits.
Agree Recruitment Method: The Hiring Manager attends a strategy meeting with a Recruiter from the human resources department to discuss candidate sourcing (whether to advertise internally, externally, use employment agencies or a combination of these methods), the selection process and timelines. The Recruiter takes the Hiring Manager through an 'Interview Toolkit' covering all aspects of interviewing including legal requirements.
Review Response:
- The human resources department will acknowledge the application forms and/or CVs. The appropriate Human Resources Executive will screen the applications and pass candidates meeting the recruitment criteria to the employing department. At this stage, applications should be retained in the human resources department for no more than two days.
- The employing department will then do a further screening and select / reject candidates for interview.
- The employing department will return the application forms and/or CVs to the human resources department with appropriate notes advising which candidates should be interviewed / rejected. Applications should be retained in the employing department for no more than three days.
- The human resources department will write to the unsuccessful candidates.
Interviewing and selection:
- The human resources department will liaise with the employing department and agree dates for interviews.
- The employing department should advise at this time if they require any skills testing to be undertaken and agree with the human resources department how these will be done.
- The human resources department will invite candidates for an interview.
- The human resources department will provide all interviewers will a schedule of interviews
- Interviews should be conducted in private and to time.
- Following discussions, (which should take place as soon after the interviews have been completed), the candidates should be evaluated and short-listed for second interview.
- The human resources department will write to unsuccessful interview candidates
- The human resources department will arrange second interviews (which may include a medical examination). Following each interview, all interview notes are returned to the Recruiter to be kept with the recruitment file. In the UK candidates may request to see interview notes under the Data Protection Act.
Offer Job: After further discussion (where the Recruiter and Hiring Manager agree terms of offer), the human resources department will make a formal offer to a candidate and unsuccessful short-listed candidates will be advised.
Pre-employment screening: Candidates screened by referencing, security checks and health screening prior to joining company.
Confirmation of offer and start date: Recruiter or Hiring Manager sends letter to successful candidate confirming pre-employment checks are completed, induction details, and start date.